Baked Oatmeal Is Way Better Than Mush

Baked oatmeal recipe

Really, I have nothing against oatmeal. I’ve been known to cook up a batch several times a week. Heck, I even regularly incorporate it into my homemade dog food.

But let’s be honest: Oatmeal can be boring. It can be mushy. It can be bland. Nutritious, yes. But something you look forward to come breakfast time? Probably not.

Baked oatmeal, however, changes the game. Baked oatmeal uses the same main ingredient as oatmeal — oats, of course — but has a totally different texture. Instead of being mushy like porridge, baked oatmeal has a delightful firmness to it.

The oats on top get golden and delicious, while the interior remains soft. And it can be tailored to your specific tastes with the addition of nuts, fruits, and spices. Here is my baked oatmeal recipe that will make breakfast anything but boring.

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Yes, You Can Make Oatmeal In A Rice Cooker (And Why You Should)

First things first. It’s not hard to make oatmeal. I know this. You know this. Anyone who can boil water knows this.

But amid a busy morning, it’s one. more. thing.

For all its ease, homemade old-fashioned oatmeal (also called “rolled”) does require regular stirring and roughly 15 minutes to make. Steel cut oatmeal takes about double that time. In other words, it demands your attention.

Enter the rice cooker. Big news: It can cook more than rice. In a prior video, I showed how to make quinoa in a rice cooker. Now its oats’ turn in this simple yet unsung kitchen hero.

Continue reading “Yes, You Can Make Oatmeal In A Rice Cooker (And Why You Should)”

Does JUST Egg Taste and Cook Like Real Eggs?

JUST Egg / Photo by Matt Degen

JUST Egg. Ironically, this bottled product is not made from eggs at all. It’s made from plants.

Perhaps like me, you’ve seen this stuff on store shelves next to cartons of eggs and assumed it was another liquid egg product. You know, one that’s made from chicken eggs.

But JUST Egg is entirely different. It’s made with mung beans. As such, you might think of JUST Egg as the eggy, plant-based equivalent of Beyond Meat. JUST Egg touts its product as having even a bit more protein than traditional chicken eggs, while having no cholesterol.

Now, I cook and eat lots of eggs — I even feed eggs to my dogs. Eggs pack quite a bit of nutrition, all the essential amino acids, and are still relatively cheap — despite the current high egg prices.

But when I read a recent article about how the price of JUST Egg is reaching parity (or below) that of traditional eggs, my interest was sparked. Then, while shopping at my local grocer, I saw them on sale for less than $4 for an 8-ounce bottle, about 50 cents off their normal price. A trial was in order.

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